Thursday, October 1

ICELAND! Like being on the Moon

First of all I have to say happy 25th birthday BioGaia, you have done so many great things and more to come in the near future! It was a fantastic 4 days on Iceland! 

This was the last time I took Iceland Air because...My flight from Sweden to Reykjavik went all wrong. Transferred in Copenhagen and all was normal. Plane started to roll out on the airstrip but then turned back because of a technical problem. We waited in the plane but after 30 minutes they told us to wait by the gate. Waited by the gate and around the airport 4 hours before they told us there would be a hotel fixed for the night. Please go pick up your bags. Waited by the baggage hall for an hour whereafter they announce they will not get a hotel, plane will leave 3 am. OH GREAT! I spent 14 hours on the Copenhagen airport, partly sleeping on the floor. After I arrived in Reykjavik had 1 hour to sleep before we started our program and meeting. The day was long but luckily everyone was super encouraging and the coffee + blue lagoon hot springs did the trick to keep one awake. 

Like a space station 
 Blue Lagoon, totally natural hot spring warm all year around. The water changes itself so there are no chemicals anywhere 

 Some people applied more clay than others 
 The Vikings are coming 
 Went around the "Golden Circle". It includes the tectonic plates of US & Europe. This is the only place in the world where you can see them. Guldfoss waterfall and the Geysir is also part of the circle. Stunning view!!! 

 Wonder who lives here...
 Walking through the canyon of the tectonic plates 

 Tasted drinkable 

 At the Geysir, the water is boiling all year around and shoots up with 80 - 100 degrees hot steaming water every 5 minutes 

 1 Get ready 
 2. Here we go 
 3. Booooom 
 And the little bro boiling 
 Guldfoss waterfall, biggest in Europe 

 The Asia team 

 The made stairs for the salmon to climb 

 Icelandic horse, the only horse in the world that can run in 5 ways. If you take out a horse from Iceland can never bring it back. Also, imports of any other horse is illegal. They want to keep this breed going 
 Went to an ecological farm, horses, tomatoes and cucumber
 Tomatoes, all power is 100% ecological from the warm springs 
 Yum yum 
 Get your souvenir home 
 Evening Gala 
 Rotten shark, for principle reason I didn't even want to try. Sharks are awesome and beautiful and I want to see them in the water when I go diving 

 Let the party begin, disco disco 

 Looks like the DJ drop the BASS...or just the mic 
 Last day went down to some lava tubes, it was veeery small down there and pitch black. Not a single light reaches there. If your claustrophobic or don't like dark places. Don't come here 
 Into the mouth of madness we go

 The yellow stone is iron ore (the stuff harvesters took in Red Alert!!) You get this if your an old school gamer 
 Lava has burned the stone smooth 
 This place was tall enough to stand in 
 Looks like a hungry creature waiting 
 Took a walk around downtown...It's not very big. Small low houses and feels kind of unreal almost. Fairy tale to be precise. Hallgrims Kirkja is something else! Last time it wasn't open but this time I went up to the clock-tower. 

Welcome to Hallgrims 

 View from the roof, just look at all the different colour of the houses 
 Discoverer of US Leifr Eiricsson, Columbus you were long long later with that 
 City streets 

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