Tuesday, June 29

Too much food

A lot of people here just take naps at work while working or then on a break. Good example here from my teaching center. Relaxing while waiting for next thing to start. Sometimes I've seen the same things in restaurants here while it is full of customers...
Last sunday after work I went to an exclusive Japanese Buffet restaurant where you could of course order as much as pleased for 288 yuan. The food was so awesome and I ended up eating for 2 hours about 2kg of meat of various kind. Hede, I'm SOOO taking you to this place when your coming (drinks were also included in the price!)
The air here is so much worse than last year, smoggy-foggy all the time and the sun isn't clear at all. It looks like this big orange in the sky, not shiny at all. Dunno if the picture is really clean but it's not even bright when watching it without sunglasses...

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