Monday, June 7

Some celebrity and other random stuff

There is some media company just next to the NSN office and it looks like some famous Chinese singer went there today. Suddenly I just heard a lot of girls screaming and went to the window to see what was going on. There was a dark Van surrounded by young chinese girls who were trying to get a glimpse of their idol. I don't know who this singer was but he attracted hundreds of people to our parking lot and the girls were blocking the way for the car.
After writing dozens of authograhs the parking guards broke up the crowd and the car sped away...Would be awesome to be that famous :P

There are buildings coming up like mushrooms from the ground here. Some more special than other. One good example is the CCTV tower (China TV) which the chinese people call the "Underwear" building coz it looks like a pair of boxers :)

Today morning an electric pole had broken down (great quality!!) or then someone just crashed into it. The wires were hanging here and there, looked really safe! Walking to work is interesting everyday!
The view from the english teaching center is pretty good. They have a huge window where you can sit and have lunch. I usually go to a Hangzhou restaurant to pick up some beef noodles and baozi. Costs a whole euro for the whole thing

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