Friday, April 28

It's summer again Tokyo!!

Finally the days below 15 degrees are over! Mom just called telling me about hail and snow mixed rain back home....Tokyo is def best time of the year now, if your planning a trip here go for May. Incoming 40 degrees and VEEERY humid later on... Managed to catch some of the last Sakuras 2017 :)

Home sweet home! Love Tsukuda! 
Sakura from our balcony, pretty sea of flowers 
House covered in flowers! 
There is a running track along the whole Sumida river
Run around Harumi 
Took part in the 120th Japanese pediatric conference with our team 
 Japan BioGaia boys 
 Dinner with delegates & doctors 
Sky is often orange but seldom blood red like this 
 Muumin is very popular here 
 Need to go take a set with Mario Karts now that the weather is warm again 
 A weekend out in Tokyo, second time this year. Great tunes Dj Nepo 

 Wedding after party in Roppongi lasted until 3 am 
Congrats Hugo 
 Mori Tower dark and quite at night 
And a nice strong coffee after a long night out. In the sunshine...!

Monday, April 24

Odawara Sunday getaway trip

Last weekend to see Sakura! Took the shinkansen to a nearby prefecture called Odawara. They just restored the castle in the center of the city to it's old might so it almost looks new. A really nice place to come for a day trip from city center! Walk to the beach is just around 1 km from the station

Hello Odawara! The day could not have been better
Sakura still in high bloom by the Odawara castle

Fluffy flowers!
Kajs first trip on a Shinkansen and first Sakura
Mr drooly
Balloons makes everyone happy
Odawara all for ourself

First time out to the beach with mommy
Love the different manholes you can find all over Japan
Blue stuff market street it was called, but it has seen better days

Wednesday, April 19

Home in Helsinki

Was so nice to go back home after a few months gone! Got some practical things fixed and also lectured in my old University about Intercultural Business and BioGaia for 180 students. Met up with old friends and spent time with family, it feels like time is never enough and flies away when just home 2-3 days. From Mid July - Mid August I will be home and hopefully have time to see more people!

Winder decided to surprise us during Easter. Suddenly everything was white 
All other days were sunny and nice. Perfect for outdoor run! 

The beer scene in Helsinki has become so good in the last few years. When I left almost 10 years ago there was not a single craft beer available. At least not that I can remember of...
Great APA at Bruuveri 
Shanghai reunion! 
 Thanks Hede for the overkill BBQ session, gainz after this meal 
 Arcada my old University. The school that changed my life by sending me to Shanghai as an exchange student back in 2007
Welcome :) 
Big spacious eating area 
 About to present for 1,5 hours. Always a bit edgy and nervous first 5 minutes 
 Mommy and god daughter Neah 
 Very quiet around Soukka

Nothing like a kebab at Road House! Been coming here the last 22 years already. Good times Micke 
 Some traditional Finnish mämmi. It's a rye mix eaten during Easter. Looks tasty doesn't it?
 Naughty BRGR, been wanting to go here since I saw it's been voted as some of the best burger places in town. Was not disappointed...Come get your heart stopper 

Tuesday, April 18

Tillsammans Stockholm

The aftermath at Åhlens was something much more than I could have imagined! Sooo much people out to pay their respects to Stockholm police and to the people who lost their lives during the attack. Never seen the area this packed, or with as much flowers. Unity, TILLSAMMANS! 

Half of the city out today

 Thanking the police with a few flowers 
 "Thinking of you from Iran" the little girls sign says 
 More flower covered police cars 
 Horse police was out too 
 Sergels Torg, a silent minute was held here 

 Good evening Stockholm. Got upgraded to a room with balcony, amazing view 

 Night pics of the same area, lot of candles! Almost as if visiting the cemetery during Xmas. 
 Go Sweden 

 Prayers for the ones who were lost 

 Tillsammans = Together