Tuesday, April 26

Good to be back home

Short stop home, but a stop home none the less. The moment I step out of the airport everything back in Asia starts feeling like a distant dream. Did it all really happen? Is it still there? How was it all possible?  Reality check. Wait a moment, I speak Chinese, lol! Yeah I guess it all really occurred in some random and strange way. Happens to me almost every time I come back... But home...home never changes! 

The small, good & simple things. No matter how many 5 star hotel food or Michelin Star restaurants you eat at, the food Mom makes will never be matched!

This sign was hilarious. It's suppose to say "Put the cars below ground, more space for bikes". But someone wrote over the bikes and replaced it with BMW (cars). 
Splash splash
 So happy I have moved back to a city with sea!
Saluhallen has the most amazing fish, food, bakeries etc. Don't come here hungry!  
How much is the fish?
Swedish embassy has landed the best spot in Helsinki
Old hoods at parents - Sökö
Perfect for jogging! Birds chirping, no sounds, fresh air and that wonderful nostalgic feeling to be home

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