Thursday, April 1

Aprils Fool!

I'm not starting to work tomorrow, it's starting on the 6th. This is not a Aprils Fools joke. Im just gonna pick up my passport tomorrow...So i got 5 days to kill, just bought flight tickets to Singapore as an Easter gift for myself.
Will also pass Hong Kong and stay there a few hours on monday before coming to Beijing. Caught a cold/flunssa so now I'm going to spend some quality Easter-time on the beaches of Sentosa!

I got one Aprils Fool joke today and I totally bought it. My language partner called me and told me she was waiting for me behind my door, WHAAA?? I've been lying in bed all day because I didn't feel that good. I got into a hurry to get dressed but when I opened the door no one was there. It never occurred to me that she has no idea where I live...FOOL傻子!

Oh well, tomorrow towards Singapore!

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