Tuesday, November 29

Tokyo by day & night

Like I've already written earlier, there are soooo many festivals going on in this city. Every weekend something new, Japanese just really like going out and doing things. This Friday night went to a temple near Asakusa that were selling specially made rakes for good luck. There was tons of food, drinks and people out. 

Last Sunday was probably one of the last warm ones, we had sunshine and 20 degrees. Not a cloud to be seen. So I decided to go running a bit around towards Shinagawa. But as I ran the everything just became more beautiful with hte sunset. Ended up doing half a marathon and next day my feet really let me know about it. 

Home sweet home, building far left 
Let's go follow the sun
Rainbow bridge
Took this just outside Intercontinental Hotel, gorgeous view! 
Familiar flag 
Sunset with the moon at rainbow bridge
Ship ohoy! 
Added flowers here because it's next to the rainbow bridge? 
Have to go here later, Ghost in the Shell is an amazing anime serie 
Suunto has a pretty good running software for free if you're looking for one 
Sensoji Temple small shops, full of tourists 
Food stalls all over the streets 
Plenty of good options 
Fish on-a-stick
And some desert for the kids 
Rakes, lot of rakes! 

Such a cool temple 
and popular this evening 

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