Sunday, August 30

Shanghai high summer

Weather has been amazing this week! Almost no pollution, sunshine and over 30 degrees everyday. If Shanghai would be like this everyday...Dreading the winter already. Perfect to drive around on scooter in the green streets of the old French concession. 

Was upgraded to first class on my way out of Philippines. Champagne & Game of Thrones

Fastest way to drive is on Yanan Road although not allowed with a scooter. So far no one has said anything...
 Massive Malls 
 What you lookin' at? 
 Had pretty much my every lunch here for a year already 
 Buying nails, the guy gave em for free! Even after 8 years in China it keeps surprising me. Difference between people here is really huge 
 Camera shopping, lens updated 
 Xinjiang food 
 Massage - 2 hours for 10 euros 
 Someone had tied this kitty to a pole in the street. It jumped up to my scooter, wanted to join me. Sorry kitty, you would be too hungry in my home coz I'm seldom home

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