Thursday, May 13

Out for 1

The famous finnish saying "mennään yhelle" always works and you end up with 10 instead. I stayed out at Sanlitun a little too late last night and was pretty tired at work.
We had some awesome food at a Mexican place and a lot of strawberry margaritas...Now the terrace season is open in Beijing! Notice the HORSE seat in the down right corner. This place is called THE SADDLE!

For dessert COLDSTONE which is a really big Ice Cream shop, they have all the tastes you could ever wish for here...Mom, you will love this! Miss you! Dad too :)
Today I had my first meeting in Chinese! It went pretty well and it was understandable but I was just a little tired for. After the first meeting followed another meeting and then I joined an english corner for one of the teams. Next week I will be in charge or organizing another english corner (activity where my co workers get to practice their spoken english).
I told them to choose 3 favorite movies (not chinese movies) and tell the group why they like it. I wonder what they will choose and i also wonder if someone chooses a movie I have not seen.

There are only 8 new foreign movies on cinema every year in China because the government is afraid nobody will watch chinese movies anymore if they let the movie industry be open here. Then there is also the censorship, a lot of movies are banned or then cut here...But you can always buy new DVDs in the street for 50 cent and they work fine. Sometimes the subtitles are really really bad but its not like you need them anyway.

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