Thursday, February 25

“Foggy Beijing"

The visa papers were fine but the company who takes care of it had forgotten to fill in some forms online so now I have to wait another 5 working days. Will the waiting never end?!!
Well next week it better be fixed so I can fly to Singapore and have a short beach vacation :)

Spring arrived in Beijing, it's about 10 degrees in the daytime but it hasn't been sunny at all, quite the opposite. It's been so foggy/smoggy that you can't see more than a few hundred meters (picture from my balcony)

Was a car in the traffic that probably thought it's really cool to put all kinds of stickers on it, see for yourself how cool it is. They also had a funny advertisement in ZARA for shoes :D

In some older chinese buildings they still have people sitting in the elevator, you just tell them which floor...must be one of the worlds most boring job and not to mention "meaningless"

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