Thursday, December 22

Sibelius monument

Last summer when I was in Finland I was sick, had a really bad cough and could not do any sports. This time no China flu and I've been able to go jogging every morning. One of the things I cannot do back in China because it's just a big concrete jungle with dirty air and too much traffic. The first day's with jet-lag I woke up at 4.30 am and went out for a 5 km run, damn I love the fresh air!
Run like the wind...
Alko is the "Finnish governmental monopoly alcoholic store", in other words the only place where they are allowed to sell any alcoholic drinks above 4,7% and other special beers/ciders. Now they started selling Chinese Zhujiang beer, never seen this beer in China but we have it in Finland now...I read an article that China will start promoting exclusive Chinese products abroad but not IN China...Guess that would not even work there since so many scandals about fake products, poisonous food etc.
It's been raining almost everyday until yday. Day was sunny but evening was snowy. In the night a snowstorm hit town.
One of the few attractions points is the Sibelius monument in Helsinki. There just happened to be a beautiful sunset when I came by! Jean Sibelius was the composer of our national song and many other symphonies, some also internationally known.

Mr. Jean...
...and the monument he designed
The setting Xmas sun

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