Saturday, December 10

Lazy Sunday & Hotel stories

It's been a super beautiful and clear day here. Sun was shining all day and could see as far as the eye can reach. This is really like Lappland! But walking outside in -25 is still something you do for max 1 hour, then it gets cold, not to mention boring when I'm alone here.

Deserted house...BUT it had a sign of Toilet on it...
City center, would be nice if someone else was here too!
Christmas is coming, a lot of people from Russia cross the boarder for Xmas shopping. I'd say that half of the people that crossed me in the street were Russians today.
The hotel staff has been knocking on my door today 5 times in total. 1st time someone asking if everything is ok randomly. Second time the cleaner 10 minutes after I moved into a new room, guess she likes cleaning... Third time when they asked if I needed anything. 4 th time I didn't open and 5th time when the hotel manager calls me and apologizes for my last stay when I had to pay money to print out the hotel voucher. So he brings me a lot of cakes at 22 pm! Really, seems these people here don't really have much common sense from time to time. The only thing tasting very good were those 2 round choco cakes. The rest was tasteless or only creamy. Cookies were awful.
Saturday evening I went eating to some local restaurant with our partner. They had some kinda bone with skin dish...First thing that came into my mind when I saw it "Throw me a frikin' bone here!!!" I wonder how many times we watched that movie Laakso? Hope ur kid is fine and everything. Still have 1 extra ticket for you for our cruise if you want to come!!!
The gym at the hotel is nice but really HOT! It's like a pre-sauna. But the gym sauna stuff are actually made in Finland here at the hotel. Wow they came a long way! It was a brand called something like Hartela. As was the heat thermometer which must have had a problem because it showed 90 degrees but i swear it was MAX 65.
The gym lockers were spiced up with Chinese logic. Look at the locker numbers and tell again that Shanghai elementary schools won the worlds "Best in Math" price. (even better than Finland this year!)12...wait 58??.....14!

1 comment:

Mikael said...

Jag hajo när jag såg benet, WTF....finns nu int direkt så mycket att äta på det :D Jag skulle gärna komma med på kryssningen men tyvärr har jag släktfest på lördag kväll så dagen passar inte, hoppas vi ändå hinner ses nåt annat tag under tiden du är här, t.ex. söndagen dagen efter kryssningen.