Tuesday, June 27

Glad midsommar, Hyvää Juhannusta!

Glad midsommar, hyvää juhannusta! My first midsummer in Tokyo! Last year I think was in Korea. We took to the bars all over the the city. Started off in Tsukishima - Tokyo Station, Yurakuchou, Ginza and ended the bar hopping in Roppongi. Good times!

Started the night with some grilled tuna at this small shop in Tsukishima. So cheap!! And good 
Skål at Marunuchi buildign by Toyko Station 
Some plum wine and BBQ at Yurakuchou station 
In for a sip at Vapeur by Ginza Corridor 
Outside Jumanji someone had partied a bit more than us! 
LED at Jumanji and crap music 
It never sleeps...
Last stop at the night some heavy and VERY unhealthy but so good ramen in pork broth 
No white nights here but I can also live with a red red sunset 
Next morning be like ice coffee, sunshine on the balcony with some new Family Guy. Life is good! 
 Family midsummer dinner at Shake Shack, soooo good. 
Double bacon heart stopper 
Flyyyyy lil man 
Went to the embassy to fix Kaj's passport and found this. If you don't know much about Finland and want it explained in a funny way, check out Finnish Nightmares by Karoliina Korhonen. They are funny because they are so true...The Finns are a bit "special" sometimes. 
  Next week will be going to India and will miss our gorgeous and sunny Tsukuda / Toyosu. Love the different tanning poses here! 

Tsukuda & Skytree skyline 

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