Been looking forward to visit this city for a long time! My Hiroshima colleagues have been telling so many good thins about this place, and seen so many cool pics in guidebooks. One "must go to" in Japan.
But Hiroshima carries a heavy burden from the past when US dropped the first nuke in the world. Was it really THAT necessary? This horrible event should remind us to never do things like this again. Still, so many countries keep developing nukes. And then we have North Korea who is doing god knows what.
A silent moment for the lost ones
I think everyone should come to the memorial in Hiroshima to see the horrible destruction a weapon like this does. Massive areas destroyed, thousands of people burn and decades of radiations. Plus a lot of second hand damage. People really do horrible things to other people.
Hello Hiroshima! That building looks awfully crooked. If I was still in China I'd get worried.
Mountains surrounding the whole city
Welcome to BioGaia Hiroshima
Out for a dinner, cozy small version of Ginza
The city is beautiful and the food amazing. If you are visiting Japan I would warmly recommend 1-2 nights in Hiroshima. Must see things is the Atomic Bomb Memorial, Hiroshima Castle and Gorgeous Miyajima island
One of the only buildings that survived the bomb, detonation was right above it. Build by the Czech's.
Memorial Park
Atomic Bomb Memorial museum
Bomb was blown up around 600 meters above ground
Let's not let this clock ever reset "Days without a nuclear bomb"
People just melted away....horrible
Morning run around the city
That view! It's just like our Tokyo home neighbourhood.
Go Hiroshima Carps!!! Baseball is suuuuper popular in this city. People in Hiroshima avoid using Softbank, the teleoperator because they are sponsoring the rival baseball team. Would love to see a match someday.
Shukkei Park
Hiroshima Castle
Miyajima arch!
What beautiful craftsmanship! Tide comes up in the evening and leaves it floating in the water. Didn't have time to stay and see it this time. Something to look forward next time.
A lot of deer on
Miyajima. Careful what you have in your pockets, they will come for it.

Nom nom nom Anago don! Hiroshima speciality

Lots of shops around Miajima...and...Moomin!