Today i went to the hospital for foreigners where they check that everything is ok with you. You have to do these test in order to get a resident Visa. I need the resident visa for multiple entries in and out of China because I'm coming to Finland in the Christmas.
The place is located FAR away from downtown and there are no signs that can take you to this place either. It's like they don't want people to find that place...It's located north west of Beijing in the middle of nowhere. No subways goes there and you probably have to change a few busses if you want to go with public transportation to that place.
Luckily we have a car and found it pretty easily with Google Earths help :)
The first thing i had to do was fill in a formula where they asked about my health. On the first page i had to answer if i had AIDS, cancer, pregnant, this and that diseases etc (20 listed). On the second page i had to fill in if I've been in contact with any sick people lately and which cities I've been to (because of pigflue). After i had stated that I'm in perfect condition i paid the fee 346 kuai (about 35 euros) and then the test began!
There are 6 rooms i had to go into:
1. Blood test
2. X-Ray my chest
3. EKG (i think they measure something with the heart)
4. Eye sight (yes i was again diagnosed as colorblind)
5. Blood pressure and the doctor asking about previous operations (my right arm)
6. Weight + length
It was really smooth and professional and only took me max 20 minutes. The result will be mailed home to me in about 1 week and then i can apply for my new Visa.
I signed up to the gym today! First time in 1 month, i already started feeling fat. They also have a Sauna here, main reason why i signed up here. The gym is really exclusive and costed me 33 euros a month which is pretty much for China. At least no one should steal the stuff from my locker.
Great succes, I'm finally settled down. Own place to stay, signed up to the gym, daily routines. Just what I've needed the last 2 months....
I found a picture on the internet of this place. Picture is probably taken from my building, this is sort of how it looks here.