Sunday, November 3

Nightowl Halloween in Tianjin

This Halloween specials was on November the 1st in Tianjin organised by Nightowl party. It was more or less a disaster if you arrived late for a few reasons:

1. You could NOT enter the castle because it was too crowded
2. There were no drinks available outside
3. The bus service back to Beijing did not work because the organisers had not paid the bus drivers, the drivers refused to leave before getting paid. Had a friend waiting in the bus for over 3 hours before it left

I got free tickets from work and we even had spending money for 20.000 rmb in the castle BUT they still did not let us in. Luckily our manager had rented us a private Mercedes SUV to get there so we didn't have to hazel with the buses. But arrived at the castle shortly after midnight, walked around it a bit, then left. The pictures I have are from one of the staff who helped me take some. I feel bad for the people who spent around 50 euro for the tickets and could not even get into the party....And it was COLD!! Also, on the way back the pollution got so serious that the visibility on the highway was only 2-3 meters. Was super scary to drive and took us almost 3 hours to get back to Beijing (also coz our driver got lost 3 times, I luckily got us on track with Google Maps on my phone)

The day after the event everyone who was at the event received an apology letter but not much use for that now... 

 Outdoor stage

 Venue was very cool, too bad it was organised so poorly

 Security staff did not let anybody in
Very heavy pollution on the way back, could not see more than a few meters ahead, scary. The PMI pollution index was up in 450 that night!!! "Healthy air is considered to be 40 or less by the World Health Organisation 

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