Friday, September 7

798 - Beijing's art district

In the north east district of Beijing there used to be a factory called 798 which produced weapons. Later the factory was closed and remained inactive. Young artists found that it was a great place to hang out because they could just live for free and have a lot of space for them. After this had been going on for some time the 798 was made into an official art distric with a lot of different small shops, gallery's and sculptures.

Loads of galleries and shops around here
 Dino cage with 3 floors
 Hidden exhibition in a small alley
 Mao mao mao
 Chinese roadrunner?
 Can find a little of everything here...
 I'm sure I've seen this somewhere before, just can't recall where
 Sooo stoooned!
 A shop where they only have skeleton stuff
The bling bling skull
 Coffee shops here and there

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