Monday, February 14

Health Check-Up

In order to get the working visa or study visa for 1 year in China you have to go to a health check up. I've done that 3 times already in Beijing and it was pretty smooth there. You fill in a paper, give 4 passport photos and pay it. The working health exam is 700 yuan and study 300 even though it's the same thing in the same place....guess it's a student discount. Anyway, when I did it here they required some company registaration paper which I didn't have. The person who is in charge of these things at my office is on vacation at the moment....I had a time there today at 8 am but didn't get the paper I needed from the company before 10 am so I just sat there waiting for about 2 hours...Luckily Harry Hole kept me company.

The testing was the same as in Beijing
- Blood test for HIV and other STD:s
- X-ray, this was kinda worrying here in Shanghai, they did not give me any lead west like in Beijing. Love them Gamma Rays!!
-Height and weight
-Sight (yes I'm still colorblind and the doctors always laugh at me here because of that)
-EKG (heart)
-Some kind of ultrasound (I was surprisingly not pregnant)

It only took about 15 minutes and was pretty smooth. Facilities were much better, modern and cleaner than Beijing. Still feel like some animal when many persons shouts get into room 108, get into room 110, get into room 104 etc etc

Sat here waiting for 2 hours...The red LCD screen tells you when to go in...71 now, I was 88 (lucky here!)

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