Saturday, September 26

One of those days...

I had a job interview last week but didn't get it so i feel a little down now...I have no real job, no own apartment no computer, no camera. Tomorrow i will fix one of the details and go buy a MAC Book Pro, finally.

Started to look for an apartment to stay in. A chinese guy from an agency showed me 2 apartments close to the school. The first one would have been a 3 room apartment together with some older chinese guy and the other was together with 5 chinese students. The second apartment with the chinese students was incredibly shitty!! I don't understand how anyone wants to live like that.
The last place i went to see was sort of like a 5 star hotel and my room mates would be 2 brittish guys. It was a really nice place and the guys were nice as well. So I'm probably gonna move in there in 2 weeks or so in case i don't find anything better.

Have a Japanese girl in my class who has a finnish boyfriend and yesterday we went out together and had a really nice time. Kinda random to meet a japanese girl with a finnish boyfirend here. Had a slight hangover today but still had to go to work. The trip from and to work took in total 3,5h and i only worked 3h. Damn traffic in Beijing...

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