Monday, May 7

Finland vs. Canada - Beijing Hockey

As a hockey loving country we have a hockey team in Beijing as well who trains 2 times a week in one of the many arenas that are frozen all year. The event started with some 6-10 year old school kids singing oldschool classic songs on the roof stage like "Eye of the tiger" and "We will rock you". They did pretty good and were dressed up like Spice Girls :)

 Whaaaaaa, am I on camera?
The game is about to begin! I the first round we scored 3 times but second and third Finland did poorly and finally let in 5 goals. Better luck next time! Hope we can still win the World Championship like last year!
On the break time some kids were playing. Can't have been more than 10 years old.
Polar bear on ice :)
Canada wins, 5-3
And the game ends...
Lots of people were watching
Tickets were about 5 Euros

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