Thursday, December 3

Seban Kiina "niksit ja kiksit"

Now when i "mastered" chinese i want to teach you some very useful phrases:

- Electric brain = Computer (dian nao 电脑)
- Electric staris = Elevator (dian ti 电梯)
- Walk slow = Take care of yourself (man zou 慢走) This expression is always used when you leave a store or restaurant
- China = Central kingdom (zhong guo 中国)
- Sour milk = Yoghurt (suan nai 酸奶)
- White booze = Chinese vodka (bai jiu 白酒)
- Heavy want = Important (zhong yao 重要)
- Red tea = Black tea (hong cha 红茶)

And my personal favorite! The ABC when you are buying furniture


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