Sunday, February 9

Corona scare in Singapore

The Corona virus keeps spreading and growing in China and has also managed to arrive in Singapore. There are only a few reported cases but people have started panic buying face-masks, hand sanitisers, antiseptic wipes  and toilet paper. Instant noodles have also disappeared from shelves in the supermarket. Wonder how long this will last? Might have to stock up stuff in Australia next week if we can't find products in our local market  anymore. Out in Punggol though, life goes on and everything is still pretty much normal. On the bright side, the subway was mostly empty! 

Quite the sight! 
Went to farm bakery, great for kids to play around here too and open air. 
 And those massive massive trees ! 
 The  huge TV really make a big difference when playing 
 Because of the corona, we have been working from home this week. My rooftop office has a nice breeze, not to mention view over the city. 
Jungle shopping at the Oasis Mall

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