Wednesday, October 16


Long time since been here! Chill island with lot of great food. Burned myself pretty badly the first day, thought I was sitting in the shadow but not apparently enough.

Just a few meters walk from the hotel room and...this! 

Changgun sunset dinners 
 Hey hey we're the monkeys 
 Go for an adventure? 
 Sunset dinner at Potato head was awesome 
 Jungle life 
 Red crab after too much sunshine 
 Reflection in perfection 
 It's cool with these "gates" all over the island 
 Yarrr, a pirates life 
 Paddy fields 
 We had a big crowd coming from many countries to our lectures 
 Palm trees are the best 
 Don't you just wanna jump in? 
 This was a niiiice smoothie 

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