Thursday, January 24

Time passes

Been in Shanghai for almost 2 weeks now but it doesn't feel like that long a time at all. It's just like coming back to the life there was here before. Last weekend was warm but now the quicksilver has dropped to about 0 and it's become windy.

Long days at the office, smoggy outside in Shanghai too. Normal working time in China is about 9-18 or 19 in the evening. Project Expeditors Shanghai office.   
Beautiful view in the smog...
There has been a construction yrd next to our office building for a few years already. In the end of last year the foundation was finally done and now when I came back 3 months later there were already many floors done!
The BBQ guy outside our flat, he arrives every evening around 21 and stays until early morning. Talked to him a bit, he is from Anhui province about 6 hour bus ride from Shanghai to the south. 
Also fried noodles or rice with eggs is awesome!
Some great late evening snack
Some of the evenings have been spent home with Playstation :)
Had sushi for lunch at a "rolling table" place. This week on Wednesday they had half price salmon sushi's for only 7.5 rmb / plate with 2 rolls. Thats about 1 euro each. 
Pick your favourites when they come
The food menus can sometimes be hilarious in China. Here is one from a Korean joint. 
Nanjing East street, Shanghais biggest walking street full of shops and restaurants. When you walk here in the evening as a foreigner you will get about 10 sellers coming to offer you bags, dvd, watch, lady massage, special beer etc whatnot. The energy consumption must be quite high to keep the 1km street lighted up every night. No wonder it's been so polluted here lately when looking how much energy is used here daily. And most of the energy comes from coal burning plants. 

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