The news reported that a Taifoon will hit Shanghai and it was suppose to be the biggest in over 10 years. The estimated time of arrival for the Taifoon was on Sunday morning at 6.15 am. But it swept passed Shanghai and I didn't get to see any flying cows or buses...sort of disappointing.
Air was really really nice after the Taifoon, never seen Shanghai this clean!
It's hot hot and HOT here now! Air is so humid that after walking outside for 5 minutes your totally sweaty. On Monday I went to visit some Finnish factories here in China. One was located in Suzhou and the other in Kunshan. It's amazing to see that a small country like Finland can build up companies that have huge factories all around the world. The meetings with them went great and it was really interesting to see the factory. Just so hot to walk around in a suite...
Bigger factory compound in Suzhou (company on picture had nothing to do with my visit)
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