Greetings from a damn cold Beijing without snow like you lucky people back home at the moment have...Today i got the school papers settled and a few apartments checked. The first apartment was totally great! I was really close in sealing the deal if it hadn't had the toilet and kitchen connected and a terrible interior design, the owner (woman) looked totally like a guy. And i had some troubles with ladyboys in the past few weeks...
Never go shopping in Carrefour in China one day before the spring festival,never. Its like Hullut Päivät in Finland with x10 more people. It was exactly as the subway picture from Shanghai, except for no subway, just a looooot of shopping carts and screaming shop assistants, BUY BUY BUY, LOOKY LOOKY!!
The evening went more smooth and we stayed home steaming "baozi" which is typical a Chinese food with meat inside. Feels good to be home after 4 weeks out in the world, although the -10 degrees is not that appealing...
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