What a year it's been 2019! Last few years have really been amazing and it just keeps getting better and better in so many ways.
The clock hit 12, me alone on the balcony with a MOJO craft beer. It surely wasn't the most exciting NYE but I was really happy how it turned out anyway.
We were also blessed with adding a new family member Aina to Sudo-Nummelin clan! And moved to a new country: Singapore. Kaj finally has a school to go to now and he seems to be enjoying it so that's another big relief for us. Wasn't really that easy for us this year in many ways but we know better and are stronger fro the future!
Other highlights on the year? We had an amazing reunion with the guys in Shanghai, was so good to see everyone. Another reunion was when Jussi, Mikko and Rafa all came to Tokyo and we drove up to Mount Fuji. Went to South America for the first time but happened to land the same day the protests started in Chile so was stranded there for a few days, which also was an experience in itself. We had a really fun trip in Sydney & Adelaide Henkka! Had a brief membership at Gold's Gym in Tokyo and went to Onsens as much I managed to squeeze time for it. Finally got to drive Mario Karts around Tokyo. Experienced a super strong Taifoon and saw Toyko downtown dead and empty. Another new country under the belt was Latvia, a really nice place with great food! Scotland was also new for me but it's debatable how much of an own country it is. At some of the last day of this year got to see my first Sun ecplise as well! Next time again in 48 years
I discovered a beach and riverwalk nearby our apartment. Just a short bus-ride and white sand park, restaurants and bars can be found. Have been coming here 2 weekends in a row, it's perfect!!!
Hello white sand beaches! Can't even imagine how it was growing up in those cold, dark and snowy winters home
One big 300 meter long liquid nitrogen gas ship sailing by
Say hi to the turtles in the park
Swing swing!
Malaysia on the other side
Welcome to Coney Island
I had totally missed out on this place in Singapore before. Happy we live nearby and discovered it
Beautiful twilight when walking home from Coney Island by Oasis Mall
I wasn't the only person who came to see the eclipse
Ring of fire! Thank you cloud for dimming the light a bit so could see better

Someone had pet birds flying around near the mall for rounds. So colourful!
Nice add-on was the Opening of FIVE GUYS at the station I arrive to work with
High five to Bumblebee