Coming to Istanbul was my first ever trip with BioGaia to see a product launch. Was a super quick trip back then but this time had time to see little more of the city. Amazing place really! So much nice food, great people and beautiful architecture. Everyone seems to be complaining about the traffic in Istanbul but it's nothing compared to Manila or Bangkok. Love this place and would come back anytime! Napolen Bonaparte said that if the world had 1 capitol city it would be Istanbul. Yes why not??

A bit of Game of Thrones feeling at Rumeli Ruins

Medival rocket silo?

The mosques are amazingly big, quiet and cozy inside. Many of them though completely packed with tourists.

Walking around the old parts of town you find all kinds of small cafes and shops. This one was one of my favourites not far from Galata Tower square called "Coffee Hall"

Umbrella alley
Hello Istanbul you beautiful thing!! Love the hotel rooftop cafe
The Old Bazaar is def worth a visit
All kinds of colours and paints

A bit of Game of Thrones feeling at Rumeli Ruins

Medival rocket silo?

The mosques are amazingly big, quiet and cozy inside. Many of them though completely packed with tourists.

Walking around the old parts of town you find all kinds of small cafes and shops. This one was one of my favourites not far from Galata Tower square called "Coffee Hall"

Umbrella alley

Didn't know beer was big thing in Turkey but positively surprised by how many craft beer places there were ! And beer was goood!
Pour the best!
Galata Tower, so far oldest recoded tower in human history still standing. Lot of nice restaurants and shops nearby.
More coffee by the tower
Interesting design on this apartment block
Aga Sofia, the once cathedral that was rebbuild to a mosque and is now a museum. Probably the most popular sight in Istanbul. Was too crowded for me to bother to que in. Looks great from the outside though.
Bring in the chivalry, pretty ballsy guys on the chopper
Fishing by the river seem to be a big hobby. Can find guys all around the river trying to get a catch
Evening cruise. Connecting the Europe - Asia bridge
Nice evening lightening
Mosque ahoy! Love the small alleys here
Big city!
Just love the kebabs here
Stranger things spray painted
Turkish delights are a must to try!
Dining in Kempinsikis palace was amazing. Fantastic food and atmosphere for a very good price
Special taste cheese, looks different too. Strong flavour ! Really nice
The cheese was great with fresh honey
Walking out the hotel and this is the view!
City of New & Old
Protests against traffic congestion
Washington DC?