Friday, June 22

Grey grey Tokyo

It's rainy season now. And very very grey. Didn't do much home than switch some dirty clothes and repack before it was AGAIN time to hit Narita airport. Went to the immigration center to extend my ID card for another year. SOOOO CROWDED! Took me 3 hours to wait just for picking up the document. Was another 3 hours last month to give in all documents. Quick tour guiding one evening around in Shibuya to try some new places I hadn't even been to myself.

Back at Toyosu for night run. Best circuit I ever discovered. 
 Fathers day dinner at Brazilian BBQ. Big thanks to parents in law :) 
Hello greyness 
 Out for a beer in Shibuyas Bar Bridge 
 Beer Hall in Shibuya
 Just love skyscrapers, picture from Katchidoki The Tower 

Monday, June 18

A future home - Singapore

Spent almost 2 weeks in Singapore both with work and looking at some compounds and apartments. Will be very exciting to move here beginning of next year. Goodbye cold winters and welcome sweaty daily life. Will be a very sad day to leave our Tsukuda, love the place we stay in now in Tokyo.

We managed to book our stay same date as Trump & Kim met, in the hotel next to ours! Everything in the city was normal but some tighten security outside the venue hotel for the meeting. I didn't see how the security was beefed up at Trumps or Kims hotel probably a bit more police than in the daily street view. Airport and everything else was just as any other day. Amazingly arranged Singapore!

The nr.1 Laksa at Sheraton Towers!! 
 Dimsum with the guys 
 Roar like the Merlion 
 My first time to sleep on Sentosa Island 
6 am sunrise, at my private beach. Kaj's first time to a beach! He got overwhelmed by the amounts of sand 
Cool whiskey bar at the hotel 
Well Hello there Universal! 
Knock knock, anyone home Shreck? 
 And suddenly I wasn't the most ugly in our family 
 Where are you kitty kitty 
 Monsters at Gardens by the Bay 
Good night Singapore from  Vivo City 
 Great Singaporean restaurant at National Kitchen by Violet Oon 
 This apartment was amazing and on the 49th floor! 

Tuesday, June 12

Land of Gold! Hello Yangon

Back in Yangon for about 3 days to catch up with the team. Everything in this city is so new and opening up, much different than anywhere else in Asia I've been to. The airport is huge but hardly any passenger.

Customs entering Myanmar can take a long time if you have chosen a seat back in the plane, front as much as possible!

Didn't really have time to explore anything this time but did some hospital visits here for the first time. Love the vide and something special this city has. The pagodas shine so bright and golden all the day. Hence they call it the land of gold.

Hello Yangon 
Sky seemed a bit angry that I had arrived 
 Gotta love the local alphabet
 Saviour of the day
 Very local lunch for about 5 euro 
Legit bill  
One colourful children's hospital 
 My team in Yangon 
 Yangon and Tokyo office bare a lot of similarities! Minus the barb wire
 Victoria Hospital was actually very neat and modern. Like being home almost. 

 Big park in the central, same place I took the hot air balloon last time 
 19th street, so much going on here all the time 
 Some of our campaigns at the pharmacy
 Drugs drugs drugs
 Sule Pagoda 
 Sunset from The Penthouse. Nice food at this place! Only expats....
 Empty! There were 5 people on the flight to Singapore from Yangon. Cost efficient! 

Monday, June 11

Japan travels - Northern Hokkaido!

For the first time in a while travel in Japan to a new place! Very convenient 1.5 hour flight and the plane was the same size as going to Helsinki. Sapporo airport was amazing, they had more restaurants than a decent sized mall! And the spicy crab ramen was soooo gooood. Could have just stayed eating at the airport, prices same as in the city too!

Nomnom crab ramen 
 Was too eager to go to bed after arriving so went for a run around this new place. Everything was fine that night, before we went to Micci's. Isn't that pretty much how the place looks like? 
 Neon Sapporo main street in the center 
 First day we took a train to Otaru. It's an old port & warehouse city. Lot of the cafes and shops are converted warehouses from 100 years back. Really beautiful place and kind of reminds me of Borgå in Finland.

Love the fresh gigant crab on rice! 
One of the old warehouse that was turned into a cafe with oil lights. Nice ambience and nice smell from the oil too. Really felt like being in something old. 
Check this massive 8 decker ice cream! 
How yummy looking 
Fish market in Otaru 

Kaj liked the metal girl 
Happy together :) 
Sapporo TV was filming something by the main station, Kaj wasn't really sure how to react to their mascot 
Sapporo! And their almost copy of the Eiffel Tower 
The old clocktower of Sapporo
The red brick house, old governmental building 
Gardens around the Red Brickhouse are well kept
Having a morning coffee with this view. On my way to pick up the rental car so we can drive to Asahikawa zoo + other. Family roadtrip! 
Welcome to Asahikawa zoo! Gotta start the day with some ramen 
Not everyday you see Polar bears and penguins 
Flip those wings 
These 3 guys were discussing something 
Stopped by the Ebisu Gardens 
Kaj decided that enough walking was enough 
In search of Hobbits 
Famous desert design shop, sooo good stuff they had! Kitakaro is def worth a visit! 
 Prius took us 400 km without any issues 
Family up in the hills
 Swiss alps of Japan