Wednesday, April 20

P1 - Social network for the upper class in China

P1 is a company established in Beijing a few years ago. It's a mix of Facebook, Online luxury market and "Vanilla" (which is a site in Finland where they post pictures of you when you were out in the nightlife)

P1 also takes pictures of "stylish" people in the street and in Clubs and later post them online where people can rate them and comment them. The thing that makes P1 more exclusive than Facebook is that you need an invitation to join. The invitation can be given by someone who is a VIP member in P1 or a street photographer who thinks your stylish. At the moment P1 has 20.000 new members daily and a total amount of about 1 million members.

The target group are young and wealthy Chinese who buy a lot of luxury goods and like to go out and party. And this concept is perfect in China! There are so many people who have a lot of money, one reason for this is the one child policy which means that every child has 6 parental "units" to give him or her money. Parents + both grandparents. The younger generation in China saves very little but spends a lot since they did not experience the hardship that their parents had when the Culture Revolution was at it's peak in mainland China.

This was a very interesting presentation, if anyone (or anywhere else) in China is reading this just send me a message and I will invite you to P1, welcome to the club!

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