Saturday, April 23

Hong Kong History Museum

It's been raining all day so I decided to skip the Macao trip for today and go tomorrow instead. Going to a museum today seemed a good idea because of the bad weather. They had the Hong Kong history on display. There were a lot of movie about the history, so many things happened here. Chinese goverment only allowed foreigners to trade in certain cities of China in the beginning of the 19th century until a war broke out and the Brittish overtook Hong Kong as a colony 1842 for 150 years. In 1997 Hong Kong was given back to Mainland China but still operate under the same rules as it did. In Mainland Tv, Newspapers and Internet are blocked and restricted while in Hong Kong it's as open as Europe. All kinds of criticize against the government is strictly forbidden in Mainland China.

Hong Kong Museum of History
Map of Hong Kong, to the north the Chinese Mainland boarder
Japanese Propaganda. Stop Useless Resistance Hong Kong, capitulate!
Fishing boat from the old times, countless of movies have these!
Wartime Dollar while the Japanese were occupying Hong Kong
Original Brittish tram from back in the day, pretty much like the ones they have now

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