Wednesday, April 20


Are you a good listener? Do you remember what people tell you and do you react the right way? What does your body language and posture tell the people who are listing to you? We are all different people and react in different ways when speaking or being spoken to. I went to a communication "workshop" where we learned more about how to speak, how to remember what was said and how to interact. It was a really interesting event and great opportunity to learn new things about communications. Because that's the most important thing we have, our voice and ability to communicate with other people. Language is always the key to understanding each other but things like body language and tone of voice are also important.

According to surveys 55% of the communication is body language, 35% the tone of the voice and only 7% of the things you actually say! So remember when you keep a presentation people always look at you. How you stand, where your arms are, what your wearing etc etc. There are 4 kinds or people when it comes to communication.

- Driver -- Tells people what to do for example doctors when operating "scalpel, tool blabla

- Analyzer -- More introvert and thinks more than speaks "Finance people and accountants"

- Relater -- Ask many things and tries to relate to people "nurses"

- Promoter --The talker, comedian or politician :) (I think this one suits me best)

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