Thursday, February 11

Jingshan Park 景山公园

Jingshan Park is located just next to Beihai Park and has a very legendary story. First of all, the 45 meter hill in the park is hand made almost 1000 years ago so it must have taken a few bags of sand and one or two rocks to build it. Jingshan Park is pretty much connected with the Forbidden City, if you take the south gate of Forbidden City you will come straight into the park. Now this is why this park has a legendary story.

China had revolution back in 1644 and all hell broke lose. The people had been so suppressed by their beloved emperor that they decided to revolt. The people took over the city in no time because the army pretty much joined them (they too were bored with their emperor).
Even though the emperor was generally disliked he still had some friend who told him that the people are entering the palace to kill him. This pretty much upset him so he rushed out of the back door to Jingshan Park and hanged himself in a tree. This tree is still there and it's a real famous attraction point.

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