Thursday, February 11

Beihai Park 北海公园

Beihai Park is just behind the forbidden city and was originally build as a garden to the emperor around 1000 years ago. There are trees in the park that are over 800 years old, they sure seen a lot the last few centuries...

On the top of the island is a large white pagoda tower which is a buddhist temple. The temple was destroyed in 1679 by an earthquake but efficient as the chinese are they rebuilt it the following year :) It's only 40 meters high and build of pretty rare white stone so no problem. This place was opened to the public back in 1925 (todays history lesson checked)

Under the Pagoda tower they built some caves which suppose to make you feel like your in fairyland, check out the last sentence on the text! :D
Was nice to play a tourist for a day, the weather was just kinda cold and really windy so the park was totally deserted apart from some old chinese people playing poker! I seriously would choose a place INSIDE in a weather like this, -2 degrees and almost stormy. The must love poker....

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