Tuesday, August 7

Jetlagged in Japan

This year the flight with Kaj went fine. He wasn't really difficult, it was just parents who were tired staying awake with him. I think I slept about 1 hour in total but Kaj got more. The seatbelt on off sign made it difficult because everytime it went on they wanted me to hold him in the lap instead of lying down with the belt on. Later in the night they stopped bothering, luckily. Was a relief to finally come home and we took turns to take naps. Next few days were horribly jet-lagged for the whole family. We were tired when suppose to be awake and staying up whole nights. Kaj suddenly wanted to play at 3 am and other owl hours. Took about a week to get back to normal routines. I'm happy this is something we only do ONCE per year. But, the jetlag was great in the sense that I couldn't sleep in the early morning hours or late nights because the sunrise was gorgeous here! Good to be home :)

How I missed this view Tokyo! What a red red night it was 
 Taifoon hit the city just after we arrived. Was raining and storming so hard that there was no way you could stay outside. Took the kids to the basement bike cellar. Can make as much noise and run around how they want there. 
 This car fixing shop sure played his fair share of Mario 
 Hello shadow & light 
 Don't remember seeing the water this still before. Just after the Taifoon 
 Sunrise at 5 am 

 Awesome Gyoza and spicy enough for the most hardcore spice lover 
 This was an earlier run. Think I left the house around 3 and at 4 the sun started coming up 
 Our own little park perfect for Kaj to run around. But it's HOT, blazing hot 36 and 86% humidity. Loving it though 

 Had some visitors from Vietnam and took them out. Some Kobe beef was served, too good to be true! 
 Nice street are at nearby Koto-ku area 
 Once every 3 years Tsukuda celebrates, many places in Tokyo and rest of Japan have these festivals. Really big one at Tsukiji temple 

Lionhead will come out in the weekend 
 Tsukiji temple by day before it starts....
Dance dance dance! Lots of street food and drinks served while people do their dancing and the drums are playing. Feels just like being in Spirited Away movie 
 Urban running, can find new and old in Tokyo. Some people still live in these small huts. Nice mix to it! 

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