Tuesday, December 10

Air & Syle at Birds Nest

The 30 best snowboarders in the world attended Beijings third Air & Style competition last saturday. There were 2 Finnish guys among the competitors but neither won. Almost all the best snow boarders were Nordic, winner was a Swede. Had a friend who contacted me asking if I wanted to work at the event. Why not, VIP tickets and chance to meet the best snowboarders in the world and also free pass all around the whole birds nest stadium. 

Birds Nest, Olympics Stadium 2008
The Aquarium, also used in 2008 olympics

First price for this competition was 100.000 USD! Great show but was SOOOOO cold to stand out the whole day in sneakers. Fun rest of the night at Migas with the crew. 

Building the ramp

Practising to take the riders to the ramp by mini coopers
Press conference
Perttu Piiroinen, Finlands best boarder to the left
Mini with special snow tires for a show

All the borders waiting for final round
 From Birds Nest VIP box
 Random Chinese band having a gig before finals

 Transports by sponsorer Mini Cooper

 The flying Finn
 Champagne showers for the winners

Press went like wolves after all the borders after prices were given out

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