Tuesday, December 20

Helsinki Xmas Shopping

Nice to walk around town at Christmastime when the streets are decorated and lit. The weather has been horrible here, just rain everyday and cloudy. Haven't seen a crappy winter like this for a long time. Last year at this time there was 2 meters of snow and over -20 degrees cold. Now only rain and +2, big applause to global warming.
Some main attraction points in Helsinki: Main Cathedral, Muikkuja (small fish), Old sailing boat made into a restaurant.

Muikku in Finnish is also same a "cheese" in English while taking a photograph. Useful knowledge. Hope u liked it Shuo!
In the evening my uncle had a concert called "Manifestum" in the old church of Helsinki. Was sold out and there were about 700 people packed into the somewhat small church. Cozy and great acoustics.
After the consert home to sauna and fireplace to just sit and watch the flames dance. This stuff I really miss in China, no fireplace @ home.

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