Wednesday, June 22

Tropical Heat

The last 3 weeks it's been raining constantly but at least it's been pretty cool, around 25 or so. But now those 25 degree days are over! It's suddenly at least 35 degrees and the air is so humid it feels like a sauna. AND in this kind of weather it's impossible to get a taxi.

Yesterday I was suppose to go to a Seminar that was located on the same road I was standing on, according to Google Maps 11,1 km from my location.

Many things went wrong and I was really pisst off:
1. It took me over 1,5 hours to get to the Hotel I was looking for
2. The first driver drove the wrong way
3. Taxihunting took a long time and the weather outside is so damn hot and humid
4. When I finally arrive to the place where the seminar was suppose to be it's canceled
5. I could just have gone home in the first place, save 100 rmb, not getting wet, not sweating in the traffic, not waste over 2 hours of my life on hazzeling around

Oh well, soon home to Finland where it's probably cold atm and no tropical rain

When you order a small Sichuan Dish of fish in China u get this :) 水煮鱼
Or then you can go to a VERY ITALIAN PLEASURE restaurant...

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